The stats on this display seem strange. There’s no way the Rocinante masses 4770 tonnes. Or that it’s traveling at 60% the speed of light. Is this just a continuity error?
Check toughsf’s blog.
The most extreme estimates put the mass of the Rocinante at 2500 tons and it has a total delta V of 5% of C. More reasonable ones say about 250 tons.
The stats on this display seem strange. There’s no way the Rocinante masses 4770 tonnes. Or that it’s traveling at 60% the speed of light. Is this just a continuity error?
Each can house 200,000 people and has at least seventy decks. Are they bigger than transfer stations, Medina, or Tycho?
If the Martians had seen the RSR-Gs, couldn’t they have added thick carbon-silicate lace plates to the frontal slopes of their warships so they could be immune to enemy fire? They could’ve even added massive ones to a Donnager.