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The Expanse Wiki
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The Behemoth Tech is a Belter and member of the Outer Planets Alliance.


He is a technican assigned to the OPAS Behemoth, standing watch as part of the bridge crew.

Throughout the series[]

He is on watch on the bridege of the Behemoth when James Holden is framed for destroying the UNN Seung Un and both the Rocinante and the Behemoth are target locked by the UNN Thomas Prince.[1] He works to restore power to the Behemoth after an attempt by Camina Drummer to fire on the Rocinante results in a total power loss on the Behemoth.[2]

Later, he is on the bridge when the Behemoth spins up its drum during the Slow zone incident.[3] He is also on duty as Klaes Ashford tries to configure the laser communcations transmitter as a directed energy weapon capable of firing on and destroying the Ring gate.[4]


Season Three
1 "Fight or Flight"
2 "IFF"
3 "Assured Destruction"
4 "Reload"
5 "Triple Point"
6 "Immolation"
7 "Delta-V"
8 "It Reaches Out"Appears
9 "Intransigence"Appears
10 "Dandelion Sky"
11 "Fallen World"Appears
12 "Congregation"Appears
13 "Abaddon's Gate"Appears



  1. The Expanse TV Series - Season 3, Episode 8: "It Reaches Out"
  2. The Expanse TV Series - Season 3, Episode 9: "Intransigence"
  3. The Expanse TV Series - Season 3, Episode 11: "Fallen World"
  4. The Expanse TV Series - Season 3, Episode 13: "Abaddon's Gate"