Books character | TV character |
“ | "Little Martian children, all lining up to be the best little cogs in the machine. You stopped being human the day you claimed that miserable red planet. You're insects. Prideful insects, the whole hive of you. Scrambling to make their colony bigger." | „ |
— Augusto Nguyễn |
Augusto Nguyễn was a Fleet Admiral in the United Nations Navy and one of the highest ranking officials in the United Nations military. Gaining command of the fleet following the resignation of Admiral Michael Souther, Nguyễn held this position during the UN-MCR War, where he saw his eventual demise aboard the UNN Agatha King.
A warhawk, Admiral Nguyen was more zealous than his predecessor, Michael Souther, and is naturally more inclined to prefer military might when it comes to politics, especially in regards to the MCR. In regards to Martians, Nguyen harbored a searing hatred of them, viewing them as insects that were to be crushed, and believing that they had stopped being human the day they claimed Mars as their home planet. This prejudice appeared to greatly stem from his participation in the Vesta Blockade, where a standoff between five UNN destroyers (one of which was the Yasijuro, the ship he was on) and one Martian vessel resulted in the ships accidentally opening fire on each other, crippling all UNN ships and 29 of Nguyen’s crew mates getting sucked into space. This incident, combined with the blockade’s peaceful conclusion and the declaration of Martian independence, had undoubtedly instilled Nguyen with this profound hatred, though he was mindful that he needed to temper it for posturing’s sake.
Ultimately, Nguyen's hatred of Mars worked in favor of Sadivir Errinwright and Jules-Pierre Mao years after the Vesta Blockade. Aware of his desire for vengeance, the pair convinced him to join their conspiracy to weaponize the protomolecule, illegally start a war with the MCR, and use the protomolecule to destroy Mars. When Souther attempted to mutiny against Nguyen after being made aware of the conspiracy, the latter demonstrated his ruthlessness and commitment revenge by personally killing Souther and starting a brief civil war within the UNN fleet. Even as his own death neared, surrounded by the ruins of the doomed Agatha King, Nguyen showed no remorse or fear of dying, ecstatic at having played a part in the destruction of Mars. However, he would never live to see the plan thwarted.
Throughout the series[]
He took command of the fleet in "Doors & Corners" when Admiral Souther stepped down after declaring he wouldn't support an attack action the Martian moon, Deimos.
Nguyễn promulgates the theory that Eros is a Martian weapon in "Home". Furthermore, he contends Fred Johnson's actions must be part of a premeditated conspiracy with regard to the UN nuclear arsenal.
During opening remarks of the peace summit depicted in "The Weeping Somnambulist", Nguyễn engages in a verbal joust with the Martian Admiral J. Peñano
During "Cascade", he questions the necessity for Avasarala to continue interrogation of Draper by citing the utter non-credibility in the witness account provided up to that point by the Martian gunnery sergeant
"Assured Destruction"[]
Admiral Nguyễn orders Admiral Souther on the Agatha King to throw any survivors of the Guanshiyin found in Avasarala's UN diplomatic dropship into the brig and to avoid communications with the prisoner until Nguyễn's rendez-vous with them. He accuses Avasarala and Cotyar of treason and threatens a long imprisonment. When Souther is suspected to be scheming to access the prisoner, Nguyễn relieves Souther of his command over Agatha King. Nguyễn orders Lt. Mancuso to navigate to Io.
"Triple Point"[]
He later killed Admiral Souther when he announces that he will broadcast the video incriminating Errinwright and casting the war into a palor of illegitimacy. He throws all into the brig who refuse his orders. He fires on and destroys the UNN Jimenez. He kills Souther's loyal senior officers, Shaffer and Mancuso. After MCRN Hammurabi CO Captain Sandrine Kirino declares a truce to all UNN ships that stand down, Nguyễn proceeds to launch the hybrids.
One of the hybrid pods launched from Prospero Station on Io is deflected by PDC fire from the Hammurabi and strikes the Agatha King. Defeated, Nguyễn watches Naomi and Alex attempt to disable the hybrids but revels in the faith that Mars is doomed.
Season Two | |
1 "Safe" | Appears |
2 "Doors & Corners" | Appears |
3 "Static" | |
4 "Godspeed" | |
5 "Home" | Appears |
6 "Paradigm Shift" | |
7 "The Seventh Man" | |
8 "Pyre" | |
9 "The Weeping Somnambulist" | Appears |
10 "Cascade" | Appears |
11 "Here There Be Dragons" | |
12 "The Monster and the Rocket" | |
13 "Caliban's War" |
Season Three | |
1 "Fight or Flight" | Absent |
2 "IFF" | Absent |
3 "Assured Destruction" | Appears |
4 "Reload" | Absent |
5 "Triple Point" | Appears |
6 "Immolation" | Appears |
7 "Delta-V" | Absent |
8 "It Reaches Out" | Absent |
9 "Intransigence" | Absent |
10 "Dandelion Sky" | Absent |
11 "Fallen World" | Absent |
12 "Congregation" | Absent |
13 "Abaddon's Gate" | Absent |
- The nameplate showing Nguyễn's name in the "The Weeping Somnambulist" episode and in the "Cascade" episode, includes a first initial of "A" matching the first name from the books; however, in the "Assured Destruction" episode, his name appears in a communication with the Agatha King and a first initial of "G" is used. This may be a mistake by the graphics department of the production or may be referring to the name Angus, shortened to Gus