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The Belt Transit Ferry provides passenger service on a regular route between Ceres and Eros.


Operated by BELTRANS AG, the people-mover from Ceres to Eros is small, cheap, and overcrowded. The air recyclers have the plastic-and-resin smell of long-life industrial models that are used in warehouses and fuel depots.

Beltrans TRN-80


Passenger Accommodations[]

The ship does not provide passenger cabins, only row after row of formed laminate seating and two long walls with five-stacks of bunks that passengers can hot swap. The ship's bar is always open and the drinks are cheap.[1]

Shipboard Security[]

If there is a fight among the passengers, the ship’s crew will pump riot gas into the cabin, knock everyone out, and put anyone who was in the scuffle under restraint. It is a draconian system but it tends to keep the passengers polite.


Josephus Miller Books • TV took passage on this ferry from Ceres to Eros while investigating the disappearance of Julie Mao Books • TV.


Belt Transit Ferry

Departing Ceres

Passenger Compartment

Passenger Compartment


See Also[]


  1. The Expanse Novel Leviathan Wakes - Chapter 22: Miller
  2. The Expanse TV Series - Season 1, Episode 8: "Salvage"
  3. The Expanse TV Series - Season 3, Episode 7: "Delta-V"
  4. The Expanse TV Series - Season 4, Episode 1: "New Terra"
  5. The Expanse TV Series - Season 4, Episode 7: "A Shot in The Dark"