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Liang Walker is the captain of the Inazami and a member of the Golden Bough Outer Planets Alliance (OPA) faction.


When Golden Bough splintered Liang Walker remained loyal to the Free Navy as he liked that they had struck back at Earth and Mars. However the remaining Golden Bough in the Free Navy were moved to transport duties and kept out of combat as a punishment by Marco Inaros. Liang agreed to meet up with Camina Drummer to take onboard one of her crew members, Michio. However, he told Camina about the transport of supplies out of Ceres and Ganymede by the Free Navy. Accepting a tour of the Tynan Camina convinced him to make contact with the Golden Bough splinter group to join together and pirate the Free Navy's bases.[1]

Walker was a leading figure in and integral to the Drummer faction raid on a Free Navy supply depot, contributing the Galt and Saberhagen through his personal contacts as allied ships to the Drummer faction at large.[2]

After Drummer liased with Chrisjen Avasarala on Ceres while delivering the commandeered supplies to the depleted station, an uneasy pact between their respective factions was forged in order to defeat their common enemy. The Belters loyal to Drummer (including Walker) formed a small battle group, assigned with the task of engaging the ostensibly weakest of three Free Navy battle groups attempting to reach the fortified Ring Space. The engagement was revealed to be a trap when a freighter attached to the Free Navy battle group jettisoned its cargo to reveal its true identy as the Pella. Marco's flagship quickly overwhelmed the intercepting fleet, who lacked ammunition to retaliate. Drummer declared her intent to ram the damaged Tynan into the Pella in a kamikaze attack, but Walker made one last transmission to tell Drummer that he had the same idea, as the Inazami began charging at the Martian light cruiser. He ends his transmission with a final 'Tenye wa chech gut!' Despite being perforated by withering PDC fire from both the Pella and a supporting craft, the wrecked hull of the Inazami collided with the Pella and caused significant damage. Rosenfeld was fatally wounded by shrapnel from the impact, and witnessing her desperation in death contrasted with Marco's indifference lead to Filip being convinced that his mother was right.[3]


Season Six
1 "Strange Dogs"Absent
2 "Azure Dragon"Appears
3 "Force Projection"Appears
4 "Redoubt"Appears
5 "Why We Fight"Absent
6 "Babylon's Ashes"Appears
Season Six (One Ship)
1 "Ankawala"Appears (voice only)
2 "Zenobia"
3 "Win or Lose"
4 "Night Watch"
5 "Remember the Cant"



  • Despite now being in the Free Navy after the effective dissolving of the OPA Navy he still wore his OPA Navy uniform with just a couple of changes made to it. The OPA badge being removed and replaced the original symbol seen across the Belt, and rank insignia removed.
  • Based upon the character's name, this character may represent a combination of the Babylon's Ashes characters Liang Goodfortune and Carlos Walker, which fought against the Free Navy and Marco Inaros.


  1. The Expanse TV Series - Season 6, Episode 1: "Strange Dogs"
  2. The Expanse TV Series - Season 6, Episode 4: "Redoubt"
  3. The Expanse TV Series - Season 6, Episode 6: "Babylon's Ashes"