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Soren Cottwald was the personal assistant to Assistant Undersecretary Chrisjen Avasarala of Executive Administration in the United Nations.


He is a young European man.


Ganymede Incident[]

After the events of the Ganymede incident Soren attends a meeting with his boss Chrisjen, Admiral Augusto Nguyen, Admiral Souther General Adiki-Sandoval, General Nettleford, and Mike Agee on whether they should accept a meeting with Martian Congressional Republic. She tells them to find a way to make it work as she leaves with Soren. On their way back to her office she tells him to essentially spy on Admiral Nguyen.

After Avarasala's meeting with Jules-Pierre Mao, Soren gives her a report informing her that a surveillance team has been following James Holden since he and his crew landed on Gaynemede. She then directs them to continue to follow him until he tries to leave and then at that point detain him.

Bobbie Draper, who was hired as Avasarala's liaison to the Martian Congressional Republic during the Ganymede incident, discovered that Soren was in fact spying on Avasarala for his boss, Undersecretary Sadavir Errinwright, who was secretly in league with Mao-Kwikowski Mercantile. Together Errinwright and Jules-Pierre Mao developed human-protomolecule hybrid soldiers, and Soren was actively working to keep this information from the Assistant Undersecretary.

Soren was fired when this was discovered.


* A character serving as an aide to Chrisjen Avasarala appeared in season 2's "Safe" during the scene with the sabotaged shuttle but this character's role was trivial. The role of Soren from the novel was subsumed primarily by the show character introduced as Cotyar.


  • In SyfyWire's The Churn podcast for "the Seventh Man", the authors reveal their regret that Soren didn't get translated into the TV adaptation. They expressed that they would have liked to see the dynamic between him and Bobbie as it would have been different from what was between Cotyar and Bobbie.


See also[]

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External links[]

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