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This article's name, Underground-Laconia Conflict, is conjectural.
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The underground-Laconia Conflict was the resistance movement made against the Laconian Empire. It began as the Medina Station insurrection and spread to all colonised systems. Forced to operate in secret with the Laconian Empire having complete dominance over all human space.


Medina Station insurrection[]

Full article: Medina Station insurrection

The resistance of several Outer Planets Alliance factions along with their allies against the occupying Laconian forces.

Using Laconian Marine power armor obtained onboard the captured Pulsar-class destroyer Gathering Storm Bobbie Draper led several Spec-Ops strikes against Laconian targets.

Storm raid near Jupiter[]

Full article: Storm raid near Jupiter

Having learned of a Transport Union ship with its escort transporting a Laconian political officer along with military supplies the underground sent the Gathering Storm on a raid to capture these near Jupiter whilst hidden from the sight of the Magnetar-class battleship orbiting Earth the Heart of the Tempest. The raid was partically successful with the resources gained despite the Laconian officer being killed in the process.

Tecoma star collapse[]

Full article: Tecoma star collapse

Slow zone catastrophe[]

Full article: Slow zone catastrophe

A complete destruction of all humans and human made constructions within the slow zone.

Tempest-Gathering Storm engagement[]

Full article: Tempest Storm engagement

A plan to destroy the symbol of Laconian power in Sol. The Gathering Storm was to draw the battlecruiser into a flight path whilst Bobbie Draper led a strike against a blind spot in the Tempest sensor array. The plan was successful and the Laconian flagship was destroyed.

The siege of Laconia[]

Full article: Siege of Laconia

The underground offensive against Laconia to destroy Laconia Station.

Engagement at Abbassia[]

Full article: Engagement at Abbassia

A failed attempt by the Laconian Empire to capture Teresa Duarte

Battle of Draper Station[]

Full article: Battle of Draper Station

The final engagement before the ceasefire. Resulted in the capture of Draper Station and destruction of the Gathering Storm


Laconian Empire offered the Underground leader Naomi Nagata a ceasefire which was eventually accepted in order to coordinate ring traffic. This effectively ended this conflict.

